Monday, September 20, 2010

Ladies, Don't Forget Your Worth....EVER!

Lady: if you ever forget your worth, remember the fact that your heart is delicate, but has the strength of steel.

Lady, if you forget your worth, remember: self esteem is from inside to out, not outside to in. The makeup and clothes don't matter.

Lady: if you forget your worth, remember that your Creator gave you the ability give life to another human being.

Lady: if you forget your worth, sit for a moment, cry if you must, but remember all of the things that you have made it through.

Lady: if you forget your worth, pick up a history book and learn about the women that are just like you, that are known as "history".

Lady: if you forget your worth, just remember that your tears don't last always, and you have the control over when they stop.

Lady: if you forget your worth, remember that you are a woman, and you control what you will and won't tolerate.

Lady: if you forget your worth, and you are disrespected, remember that you can demand respect, or eliminate the culprit.

Lady: if you forget your worth, remember that man couldn't do right alone, so you were put here as an improvement.

Lady, if you forget your worth, remember that we go through things that males couldn't dare go through and make it.

Lady: if you forget your worth, remember that we bounce back from pain like a rubber ball, and can even work through it.

Lady: if you forget your worth, remember Proverbs 18:22, “He that finds himself a wife, finds a good thing.”

Lady: if you forget your worth, remember there was a famous song to remind gentlemen to “Treat Her Like A Lady.”

Lady: If you forget your worth, remember….I’m telling you “YOU’RE WORTH A LOT!”

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